1st Cruise in Company a success!

1st 2023 Cruise in Company a success!

On Saturday 11th of February Toad, Pelso, Pandemos and Callandra set off from Plymouth Sound at around 09:30.

It was Force 0 and whilst the three lead boats tried valiantly to harness what little wind there wasn’t , Salcombe was calling so regretfully engines were started and we pushed on. Callandra, as ever, pressed on and eventually found some breeze and some Dolphins as a reward…

Once we were all safely tied up in Salcombe we met for drinks at Salcombe Yacht Club.

Followed by dinner at The Kings Arms – all pubs in Salcombe were packed due to it being half term.

The next morning Callandra set off early and the rest of the fleet followed on once the tide had turned enough to make The Range comfortable enough to tackle – ebb tide and strong wind with a touch of southerly = lumpy!

What a difference a day makes! We rounded Bolt Head and it was pretty much a dead run at F5 all the way back to The Sound.

We arrived back just before sunset with Margo’s two tips ringing in our ears ….

‘2hrs before high, head toward Rye – 2hrs before low , head towards Hoe“


“Before you set off if you are thinking about a reef , then it’s time for a reef”

Thanks to Adrian for organising and everyone involved……. Bring on the next one!

( Keep an eye on the events calendar and whatsapp group for that one )
