First Cruise in Company

Congratulations to Matuta, Calandra and Pandemos’s crews who wrapped up warm to head from Plymouth to Fowey and back on the 6th of Jan! The promised two days of sunshine didn’t exactly mature but the chilly temperatures certainly did. A vicious beat each way did nothing to dampen the enthusiasm of everyone involved. Dolphins came to check on us during the trip which started with Force 0 , peaked at Force 6 half way there and dropped to Force 1 on arrival. It was as great shake down and has set the scene for a wonderful season of cruising opportunities – the Rpcyc calendar of planned events , sailing and social, is being prepared and should be published before the end of January.

R C S Adrian Bishop commented “An exciting cruise to Fowey over the weekend. Light breezes and sunshine in the Sound on Saturday morning getting up to a brisk 24mph fetch with one reef by the arrival in Fowey. Members will be pleased to note it was the club Commodores, Chris, Mick and myself with the three yachts leading the way. The yachts heaters proved usefull over night and a solid beat back in the sunshine on Sunday . Chris sailed singlehanded and everyone gets the ” I sailed all the way” badges.”